Elliptical Star Coral

Dichocoenia stokesii

Colonies of this coral grow in mound shape in water eight feet or deeper. They are easy to spot because of their uneven surface appearance. It's not smooth like the starlet corals and not grooved like the brain corals. The polyps are elliptical or Y shaped. The color is a yellowish brown. Found at depth of about 8 feet.

Status: Vulnerable A4c ver 3.1
Pop. trend: decreasing

Elliptical Star Coral - Dichocoenia stokesii
Elliptical Star Coral - Dichocoenia stokesii
Elliptical Star Coral - Dichocoenia stokesii
Elliptical Star Coral - Dichocoenia stokesii
Elliptical Star Coral - Dichocoenia stokesii

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