Button Tunicate

Distaplia corolla

These tiny (1/4 inch) tunicate s grow in clusters numbering from just a couple to areas reaching several feet long. The individuals have their own incurrent siphon and share the larger central excurrent opening with the others of the group. All these groups were taken in depths of 2 to 6 feet. Most common are the orange colored, Occasionally the burgundy colored.

Button tunicate
Button tunicate
Button tunicate
Button tunicate
Button tunicate
Button tunicate
Uncommon burgundy color
Button tunicate
Button tunicate
Button tunicate
Mangrove tunicate
Mangrove tunicate
Mangrove tunicate
Mangrove tunicate
Mangrove tunicate
Mangrove tunicate
Button tunicate
Mangrove tunicate
Mangrove tunicate
Button tunicate

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